Ok start with my family first ok… My mom Rohani bt Arshad deliver me on Wednesday 3rd October 1984 5.21pm at Hospital Tanjung Karang Selangor… So I’m purely anak Selangor yer… She was 24th year old when I was born; same goes with my dad Mohd Adzali b Mohd Rais. After 2 year my sister Mimi Rozana was born. Ok complete one happy family.

What I can remember is, we live in front of my Grandma house at Sg. Way. My parent rent that house. As I can remember that house was haunted. Uuuuuhhh!!!! Scary!!! When I was 4-5 year old I sleep on double-decker bed. I was sleep on the top of the bed. Surprisingly, every morning I was waked up on the floor… guess what??? I was fall from my bed, everyday. Of coz that bed has something to prevent me from fall. But I still fall from the bed every day… because of that my dad decide to switch the room with us and open the double-decker bed become 2 single beds. From that day I never fall again even without the penghadang. But after that, my dad pulak yg having a problem when they sleep in that room. Every night he saw a head with a long hair floating in that room with smiley face…. Wuuhuu… scary…
Ok enough about the haunted house. My mom working at hotel as a part time housekeeper while my dad also working at the hotel as chief storekeeper… that time la… now dah get promoted… I can remember that my parent use to open a gerai selling nasi lemak berlauk at Pekan Sg. Way. Every night I’m helping them bungkus-bungkus and sometime kacau them… huhuhu… I was 7-9 years old kot that time.
After that when I was 10 year old we were move to Sunway. No more gerai dah lepas tu. My mom working as a fulltime housekeeper at Holiday Villa Hotel. Everything is fine until one day my mom asking for a divorce from my dad. It year 1995 and I’m in standard five. Divorce process take almost a year. Within that time my dad transfers me and my sister to other school at my village Sg. Nibong. My mom took care of us, while dad alone in Sunway.
While waiting for the divorce process and court order of children right, one day suddenly, mom run away and leave us alone at grandma house. I was shock and terpinga-pinga. I’m preparing for UPSR that time. We continue our live without mom. I manage to get only 1A for my UPSR. Jadilah… Because of my mom act, the children right was given to dad. And dad decides to send me to border school at Klang with help by grandpa’s friend. While Mimi were transfer back to Sg. Way School.
At Sek Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang (STAR) my life begins as a survivor, I learn to be independent. Everything I do by my self. That time dad just send me only when registration day and to pick up my stuff when school is close. Between that, I seldom go home. Either I follow to my friend’s home or I just leave at hostel alone or maybe with some friends. Every month dad will give me RM50 for pocket money not for expenses at school while break, it’s for other necessary stuff. I full my stomach only at hostel dining room 4 times a day, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Supper. And I’ll never ask for money before a end of the month. Usually I need to call my dad on 31st or 30th every month to remind my dad to leave me some pocket money. Hand phone is not yet become necessary that time, beside it is illegal to have hand phone in hostel. So I must have at least 20 cent to call my dad using public phone at the end of every month.
When i was form 1 my dad and my mom get married on the same year but not to each other but to someone else. No body like step mother either step father right. So do i. luckily I never see my step father face, but I need to face my step mother face every time I go home. And to escape that, I just go to my grandma house, and that a reason I seldom goes home. Unfortunately when I form 4 something happen and I need to be transfer to other school. This time I can’t run away from my step mother, need to face her everyday since I live at my dad house now. I take my SPM at my new school Sek Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Kajang (SAAS).
Ok enough about the haunted house. My mom working at hotel as a part time housekeeper while my dad also working at the hotel as chief storekeeper… that time la… now dah get promoted… I can remember that my parent use to open a gerai selling nasi lemak berlauk at Pekan Sg. Way. Every night I’m helping them bungkus-bungkus and sometime kacau them… huhuhu… I was 7-9 years old kot that time.
After that when I was 10 year old we were move to Sunway. No more gerai dah lepas tu. My mom working as a fulltime housekeeper at Holiday Villa Hotel. Everything is fine until one day my mom asking for a divorce from my dad. It year 1995 and I’m in standard five. Divorce process take almost a year. Within that time my dad transfers me and my sister to other school at my village Sg. Nibong. My mom took care of us, while dad alone in Sunway.
While waiting for the divorce process and court order of children right, one day suddenly, mom run away and leave us alone at grandma house. I was shock and terpinga-pinga. I’m preparing for UPSR that time. We continue our live without mom. I manage to get only 1A for my UPSR. Jadilah… Because of my mom act, the children right was given to dad. And dad decides to send me to border school at Klang with help by grandpa’s friend. While Mimi were transfer back to Sg. Way School.
At Sek Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Klang (STAR) my life begins as a survivor, I learn to be independent. Everything I do by my self. That time dad just send me only when registration day and to pick up my stuff when school is close. Between that, I seldom go home. Either I follow to my friend’s home or I just leave at hostel alone or maybe with some friends. Every month dad will give me RM50 for pocket money not for expenses at school while break, it’s for other necessary stuff. I full my stomach only at hostel dining room 4 times a day, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Supper. And I’ll never ask for money before a end of the month. Usually I need to call my dad on 31st or 30th every month to remind my dad to leave me some pocket money. Hand phone is not yet become necessary that time, beside it is illegal to have hand phone in hostel. So I must have at least 20 cent to call my dad using public phone at the end of every month.
When i was form 1 my dad and my mom get married on the same year but not to each other but to someone else. No body like step mother either step father right. So do i. luckily I never see my step father face, but I need to face my step mother face every time I go home. And to escape that, I just go to my grandma house, and that a reason I seldom goes home. Unfortunately when I form 4 something happen and I need to be transfer to other school. This time I can’t run away from my step mother, need to face her everyday since I live at my dad house now. I take my SPM at my new school Sek Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Kajang (SAAS).
At STAR i play Hockey. STAR is the project school for hockey. So as a project student we have a training every morning as a rutin. Its similar like Sports School. We are special coz we can't play for our school in MSSD. (nnt school lain xde chance nak menang). We straight away go for MSSS, MSSM and SUKMA.
After my batch the intake is reduce and reduce... I don't know if there any Project Hockey at STAR now... beside playing hockey, Softball and handball are also my passion. I represent Klang for Softball and Selangor for Handball...
When i transfer to SAAS and bring together my Kurikulum certificate, suprisisingly i was offered to play with their hockey team in MSSD Hulu Langat tournament on my first day, and need to attend the training that evening... I continue my active kurikulum, in SAAS I also play handball and softball, only now, i play for different daerah...
Enough about my sport life in school... After my SPM i futher my study in UiTM Lendu Melaka... Need to be independent again... I like that... This time, i'm in different city...
Kampus time is one of the memorial time i ever had... Lot of sweet memories, but not to mention the bad memories... And what i know, all that memories teached me about life... teached me to be a person....
I complete my Diploma on April 2005 and graduate on September same year... After that i just decide to relax for a while and do a part time job at Nandos Subang Parade... i live with my grandma at Sungai Way that time... working in shift make me go back home late every day... and my grandpa does not really like that.. and keep membebel every day.. it make me sick and boring... so i decide to rent a room at one apartment at Sunway....
My application to further my study is accepted by UiTM... Thats it... I rejected the job offer from TM... move from the room which is i rent only for a month... malu siut ngan akak umah tu... sewa main2... and accepted the offer from UiTM... I am a student back... hahahaha... Settle problem...
UiTM Shah Alam does not provide hostel for Bachelor students... So, aku tetap duk umah sewa gak... That time... aku gelak sekuat2 hati... xkasi aku sewa bilik konon... org nak menyenangkan dia... kecoh aje lebih....
For a year i rent an apartment at TTDI Shah Alam... another year at Seksyen 7 Shah Alam... 2 years of my degree really teach me to be indepedent 100%... no money from dad anymore... i'm doing part time job to survive... but then, i've been support by my hubby pun... hehheehe... not suffer sgt lah...
At TTDI my car jadi mangsa Banjir... that memory will never forgotton... February 2006 Shah Alam Banjir ye... Paras dada ok...
At seksyen 7, April 2007 my house kena gegar ngan penduduk flat... bengong diaorang tu... suka2 je gegar umah org... pastu malu sendiri...
Lot memories in my degree time.... after that, mcm mana pun terpaksa duk umah nenek jugak... coz i'm having my practical at Media Prima... dekat sket...
But that old man did it again... and annoying me badly... i don't know why he always act without thinking first.... nak benci atok sendiri... hish... xpaham aku perangai org tua ni...
The story like this... i'm doing my final tesis... tgh struggle nak meet dateline ni, sampai xtido malam... 24 hours with PC... focus..
He normally get up in middle of the night to pee... if he saw me wacthing TV or still not sleeping yet... dia akan mengamuk hempas2 pintu punya... dah tau dah perangai dia...
so utk mengelakkan that thing happen... i'm doing my tesis in dark... only the monitor on lah...
That night i'm not so lucky... plug pc kat luar bilik tau... tgh syok2 menaip... tiba2... pup... dia switch off that plug... imagine, what will you feel... Angry, mad, feel like to punch his face... semua ada lah... jenuh aku nak kena taip balik... That night his doing it for 3 time... 3 kali dia terkencing 3 kali dia tutup suiz... hilang sabar dah aku ni.... besok nak hantar ni... nasib due date ptg...
Besok tu final touch up lah kiranya sebelum nak hantar... tgh sedap2 taip dia cabut plug tu lagi... aku kuar bilik... marah dia... siap baling kerusi... sebab dah hilang sabar punya pasal... org dah kata buat keje... bukannya tgh main2... kacau dia ke aku buat keje tu... xpaham betul aku... tgk dah tulis bahasa melayu dah ni... terkejut semua org dlm umah...
aku siap bgth Pak Su Sham suh hantar dia g jumpa pakar sakit jiwa....
Because of him lah... i decide to get married at 23 years old... tak tahan perangai dia... Kiranya kawen ni mcm lesen utk aku bebas lah... Once my tesis complete, i focused on my wedding ceremony preparation....
2nd November 2007 i nikah dgn En. Roszuan b Abd Jalil.... right after 2 month my tesis complete... result pun xkuar lagi tau... tapi yg penting i grade with 2nd class lower... ok lah tu...
At first of our marriage, we live at En. Pie's kondo... dlm bilik ye... sewa bilik ngan org bujang tu... belum cari umah lagi... En. Pie is En. Roszuan friend... 3 month later br we all pindah at Bandar Bukit Puchong.. Double storey house with rental RM500 a month... ok lah tu... I'm still unemployed ye time tu... duduk rumah memang syok... tapi kalau xde internet memang boring...
How i get employed by SKMM???
I'll tell you later on my next N3... this N3 is already to long....
see ya in next n3... ok... Tp xtau le biler eh?
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