Just wanted to share with u guys, about some fact that i get from MCMC... for those yang not really familiar with MCMC... Let me introduce first... MCMC stand for Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, or in Malay its call Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM).. merupakan satu badan berkanun dibawah Kementerian Tenaga Air dan Komunikasi Malaysia. MCMC is the regulator for the converging communications and multimedia industry. For more information about MCMC you can click here.
Refer to the anual survey research done by MCMC which is focus on handphone user,
The Hand Phone Users Survey 2006. The survey indicated that prepaid users outnumbered postpaid ones, 84 to 16 for every hundred.
The Hand Phone Users Survey 2006. The survey indicated that prepaid users outnumbered postpaid ones, 84 to 16 for every hundred.
Prepaid is still the payment plan of choice as results of all 3 surveys MCMC done before.
As at 31 March 2006 the proportion of prepaid subscriptions as derived from administrative
records was 85.5 percent well within the confidence interval of the survey estimate.
From the survey done by MCMC, we can see that even the number of Postpaid subscriber is increasing its does'nt stop the number of Prepaid subscriber to increase. Thats mean, demand for reload or what we usually call topup is still higher.
As at 31 March 2006 the proportion of prepaid subscriptions as derived from administrative
records was 85.5 percent well within the confidence interval of the survey estimate.
From the survey done by MCMC, we can see that even the number of Postpaid subscriber is increasing its does'nt stop the number of Prepaid subscriber to increase. Thats mean, demand for reload or what we usually call topup is still higher.
Believe it or not, demand for this thing will never reduce or diminish. Why? Because prepaid plan is the practical plan for all. Its very convenience, and sesuai untuk semua orang. Reload prepaid merupakan product mesti beli, sama seperti minyak kerana ia sudah menjadi keperluan and without it, people will look very hopeless. In addition as long as people keep using prepaid and use handphone as communications tools the reload prepaid market tidak akan mengecewakan Telco dan pengedarnya.
With that in mind, I joint MyMode. Let me introduce first, MyMode merupakan anak syarikat kepada Asia Mobile Commerce Privilege (M) Sdn Bhd which founded in 2003. Asia Mobile Commerce Privilege (M) Sdn Bhd has been named the winner of the 4th Asia Pacific/Malaysia e-Entrepreneur Excellence Award 2005 presented by YB Dato’ Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik, Minister of KTAK Malaysia and YB Dato’ Mah Siew Keong, Deputy Minister of International Trade Industry Malaysia.
The prestigious award was presented to Asia Mobile Commerce Privilege (M) Sdn Bhd based on the achievements and recognitions received by their household brand, MyMode.
MyMode provides the means for its members to gain access to the multiple mobile contents including mobile shopping, mobile information, mobile entertainment and mobile loyalty. Commenced on January 2004, MyMode in its infancy had already established a huge number of followers. Currently, MyMode has more than 100,000 Agents under its wing. And i'm one of that million.
Handphone is no longer accessories nowadays. It is the compulsory things to have in this globalisation era. Even kindergarten kids have their own handphone right now. If you think like what i think right now... you won't stop here... click here to know more about what i'm saying.
have a nice day...

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